“C’est prenant, énorme, sidérant, comique et tragique … Courrez vite l’acheter, vous ne le regretterez pas.”
”It’s absorbing, staggering, comic and tragic ... Run fast and buy it, you won’t regret it.”
An Army Doctor's Memoir
Mission Afghanistan, the translation of
Médecin de guerre de l'Afghanistan à Paris, will be published by SparkPress in September 2018.
For information about the translation, contact
Jessica Levine at jessicalevinephd@gmail.com
Publicity contact: Caitlin Hamilton at caitlin@caitlinhamiltonmarketing.com
MISSION AFGHANISTAN: An Army Doctor's Memoir tells the true story of Elie Paul Cohen, a civilian emergency physician who was recruited to serve as an army doctor in Afghanistan. A pacifist in his youth, Elie had once refused conscription and military service in France. But decades later, a surreal sequence of events involving the Israeli, British and French intelligence services led him to join the French Military.
After two years of training, including time with the "Marine Commandos" and French special forces in Djibouti, Elie was deployed in Afghanistan as a liaison emergency doctor in Camp Bastion, the largest British Military base since World War II. His mission: to study Damage Control Resuscitation, a new treatment for polytraumatized soldiers, developed by British medics in Afghanistan, so that he might share it with the French Military Health Service.
On his return to Paris, Elie continued working in the emergency medical service, where they use the protocols he learned to treat civilian victims of domestic terrorism. A memoir that reads like a spy thriller, Elie’s story offers a unique perspective on the conflict in Afghanistan and the medical challenges presented by the expansion of terrorism into Europe and America.